Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is Anybody There?

Fuck wisdom teeth, man. Insight of the night. Fuck wisdom teeth.

I can't open my mouth all the way. It hurts to talk. Spots all over my face and head hurt, actually. And this was only one tooth. And it was a bitch. My top two were wonderful. Popped right out, no problem, some soft foods and I'm good. This one? Bottom left. Took my uncle a long time to wrench it out. The nasty fucker of a tooth had a beautiful hook on one root that practically touched the other root. Whoop dee doo. And what sucks the most is it actually hurts more to talk now than it did 12 hours after the tooth came out. All these sprained and swollen Did I mention I have one more tooth to go?

My mom is a wonderful person: she's bringing me more soft foods tomorrow, plus another awesome book by Keri Smith. I can't wait. Today, when I wasn't writhing or calling my uncle to say "Yeah, is this normal?" I started a new painting and made some wire sculpture. And I ate a lot of pudding. That's the best part of having teeth removed: all the chocolate pudding you can eat. I really hope I can talk again without monster pain soon, cause the improv team has a show at Temple on Friday, and I doubt I'll be talking much in practice tomorrow.

Listening to the soundtrack of "1776." John Adams played by William Daniels (Mr. Feeney!) is awesome. You sing those corny revolutionary songs, you Bostonian, you. I saw a clip from the play's Broadway revival in the late 90s, and it looked okay. But no one can play Adams like Daniels. He was perfect for the role. As was Ken Howard as Jefferson and Howard De Silva as Franklin. De Silva was apparently a total asshole, but he was great in the part, and I miss his voice on this Broadway recording. As if anyone cares.

Sometimes I feel like Adams:
"Nothing's ever solved in foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia!"
"A second flood, a simple famine, plagues of locusts everywhere, or a cataclysmic earthquake I'd accept with some despair! But no, you sent us Congress. Good God, sir, was that fair?"
"Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see?"

But goddamn is Richard Henry Lee one annoying motherfucker!

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